The article is entitled "A Government of Laws and Not of Men: The Electoral College" by Nancy Salvato.
The Founding Fathers were brilliant in their understanding of tyranny and how government and its people work together to create tyranny. We are moving dangerously close to becoming a democracy.
"Democracy >> Mob Rule >> Anarchy >> Tyranny, under an Oligarchy"
Gentle readers I implore and encourage you to educate yourself on the constitution and its background. An excellent way to learn about the reasoning of the Founding Fathers is to study the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers. You can even study them through SparkNotes!
My question for you today, gentle readers, is "Have you read and/or studied the Constitution, and the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers? And if you have did you do it in school or on your own?"
I will make my own confession here and now. I do not remember studying the Constitution in depth, much less the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers during my years in the public school system. As such, gentle reader, I vow to rectify this atrocity starting today. I will start at SparkNotes and then move to reading the original texts.